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New Year Essential Oil Blends and Metabolic Health Goals with doTERRA

Writer's picture: Jonette HoskinsJonette Hoskins

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

As we begin the New Year, many of us are looking for ways to create healthy and productive habits that will last throughout the year. In this article, we'll explore how setting a word theme for the new year can help keep you on track all year long and how to support your metabolic health with doTERRA’s New MetaPWR System.

You want to be the best version of yourself—emotionally, physically, and mentally. You want to make progress in your life and wellness this year, which can be easier said than done. We’ve all tried setting goals and New Year’s resolutions only to abandon them before February has rolled around. It can be different this year. Instead of goals or resolutions, set a theme for your year. Choose one word as the guiding principle to improve yourself this year. This word is your “Power to Be” mantra for 2023. Maybe you want the power to be present, the power to be energized, or the power to be flexible.

Setting a Theme for the Year

This is something I have been doing for years now. The first year I did this, I was really struggling with being pulled in a lot of directions and I was unhappy. My word for that year was Love. Little did I know that word would evolve into "Holistic Love" and become my blog name and my handle on social media @holisticlover.

The idea is to pick a word that will be your theme for the year and whenever you start to feel like you are losing your track, you can go back to that one word. I want you to take it a step further though and create a custom blend of essential oils to go with your word. The cool thing about custom blends is that you don’t normally smell them often, so whenever you do smell that blend your brain will associate the aroma with your word of the year.


One of the best ways to achieve clarity is through reflection, gratitude and creating a vision. Here is an exercise to deepen clarity in your vision and create direction to achieve the best version of YOU. Credit to Coach Tiffany Peterson at who originally introduced me to this process.

Grab a journal or a few sheets of blank paper, your favorite pen, a cup of tea and let’s get started!


In a journal or blank sheet of paper, thoroughly answer the following questions:

  1. What were your wins & victories this year?

  2. What was your biggest challenge or heartache this year?

  3. What was the gift of this challenge or heartache?

  4. What are you most proud of in yourself this year?

  5. What makes you feel the most joy in your life?

Ok, now that we know where we came from, let’s get clear on where we are going. Don’t cheat yourself, be sure to complete the above questions before moving forward.


Four areas of focus include:

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Spiritual

  • Finances

  1. What do you want to feel more of in the coming year?

  2. What do you want to feel more of in your HEALTH (physically, mentally, vitality)?

  3. What do you want to feel more of in your RELATIONSHIPS (family, friends, partner, spouse, business)?

  4. What do you want to feel more of in your SPIRITUAL life (this can be spiritual, religious, or personal growth)

  5. What do you want to feel more of in your FINANCES (business, investments, budgeting)?

Why focus on the feeling? Because human motivation and action is derived from feelings. You want to achieve a new level in your business, a healthier body, a romantic relationship, a new car, a different house? Why? How will that make you feel? The motivation is attached to the feeling, not the object.

Ok, now you know where you have been and where you are going. Let’s make a plan to get there!


On a blank sheet of paper, draw 2 intersecting lines to make a quadrant. In each quadrant, write one of these 4 words: health, spiritual, relationships, and finances – this is called your Vision Quadrant

Next to each word, rate your current satisfaction in each of these 4 areas, 1 being totally dissatisfied and 10 being perfect.

Now it’s time for the BEST part! Write down ONE action to help you move towards the way you would like to feel in each of these areas. What would move you even one number up from the original number you rated each area?

Your vision quadrant is filled out with an action item for each category, now what?

Take action and incorporate these habits into your life. Revisit the vision quadrant regularly and adjust as needed. I recommend revisiting weekly! Your goal stays on there until it is achieved, becomes an automatic habit, or is adjusted to best fit your vision. Once your goal is achieved, CELEBRATE, and replace the previous goal with a new action item to move you in the direction of your vision. If you are worried about, “falling off the wagon” rally an accountability partner to share your goals with each week. This can be a friend, family member, spouse, co-worker, mentor, coach, etc. An accountability partner is like a workout buddy for your dreams!

How do I personally use this process?

At the end of each month, I journal on Steps 1-3. Weekly, on Sunday evenings, I take 10-15 minutes to go through Step 3, reassess my priorities and adjust my vision quadrant goals. This is what I call living a life by design with clarity, passion, and consistency. This helps me prioritize my life and week with what's most important.

Metabolic Health and MetaPWR

It is common for most people to have a health goal for the new year, and these are often forgotten by February. I want to help you reach your health goals and create a plan and support system to keep you on track.

doTERRA is about proactive, natural ways to address the root concerns since temporary or superficial solutions aren’t enough. Insert the MetaPWR System – created to address obstacles surrounding metabolic health. You may not realize it, but improving your metabolic health is going to help you achieve all your other health goals more easily.

Good metabolic health means your body can digest and absorb nutrients from food with healthy, stable levels of blood sugar, blood fat, and insulin. Fluctuations in these levels are natural, but it’s important to avoid big spikes, which can contribute unfavorably to long-term health.

Five Pillars of Metabolic Health

  • Healthy Eating

  • Daily Movement

  • Stress Management

  • Healthy Connections

  • Smart Supplementation

Smart supplementation is how you double down on the benefits of the other pillars, granting you a greater return on your efforts.

How’s Your Metabolic Health?

Under 7% of US adults have optimal cardiometabolic health. For every 14 people you meet, 13 of them have suboptimal metabolic health, and many don’t even realize it.

Do you know your biomarkers for blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol Are you in a healthy weight range? What’s your family’s history with cardiovascular health?

These are the health markers reviewed in a study of 55,000 US adults. They can predict future quality of life and lifespan.

What is the MetaPWR System?

Meta = metabolic health

PWR = Personal Wellness Realized

The MetaPWR System helps you live your most powerful life, supporting your metabolism, energy, and health on a cellular level. Each product in the MetaPWR System supports different aspects of your metabolic health, while also enhancing the benefits of the other products in the line. The MetaPWR system is not a quick fix, you must still make smart and healthy lifestyle decisions, but the MetaPWR system can maximize and optimize the effects of your wellness. What I love about this system is it meets you where you are at on your wellness journey and supports you in moving towards the next level in your journey.

What’s the MetaPWR Metabolic Blend?

The MetaPWR Metabolic Blend is a proprietary blend with balanced ratios of the following essential oils:

  • Grapefruit

  • Lemon

  • Peppermint

  • Ginger

  • Cinnamon Bark

Preclinical research suggests Grapefruit, with its naturally high levels of the chemical constituent limonene, may support a healthy metabolism when ingested. Lemon is also high in limonene. Meanwhile, Peppermint has been shown to help improve exercise performance and support efforts to curb hunger cravings between meals when ingested.

There are four ways you can enjoy this essential oil blend: the 15 mL bottle, beadlets, gum, and softgels. Plus, the blend is in every product in the MetaPWR system.

MetaPWR Assist

MetaPWR Assist is a natural supplement formulated to help smooth out the curves in normal-range blood sugar around mealtimes. MetaPWR Assist is the next product in the MetaPWR product lineup. It builds upon the MetaPWR Metabolic Blend and features additional herbs and phytonutrients. Key among these is mulberry leaf extract, which has been shown to reduce carbohydrate digestion by 42% when taken with a meal. When you take one MetaPWR Assist capsule, the mulberry leaf extract helps your body metabolize what you just ate slower. Of course, MetaPWR Assist is designed to be paired with a healthy, whole-food diet.

MetaPWR Advantage

The third step in the MetaPWR system combines the power of marine collagen, NMN, and 10 other synergistic ingredients to target cellular integrity and health-span. This product can replace vital collagen your tissues need and support natural production of NAD+ in your body, helping you slow the signs of aging inside and out. The 12 synergistic ingredients in MetaPWR Advantage give your cells what they need to support cellular integrity. MetaPWR Advantage is 12 times more bioavailable than other collagen products. When a supplement or nutrient is easily absorbed and used by your body, it’s considered bioavailable. The number of grams you read on the label isn’t what determines how much collagen your cells will receive after taking it. Bioavailability factors in.

For even more information on this incredible system, check out MetaPWR Review with doTERRA | Supporting Metabolic Health Naturally.

Power to Be

Knowing the importance of metabolic health, doTERRA has created Power to Be – a guided 30-day wellness program that is free for doTERRA Wholesale Customers. Access to the program will start January 1st, but you can go ahead and enroll now. Not a wholesale customer? Get started here.

Use the MetaPWR System to help you achieve your best year yet. The MetaPWR system can magnify and optimize the effects of healthy lifestyle choices—energy, sleep, mood, weight, and so on—making it easier for you to strive toward your Power to Be focus.

As you kickstart your plan for 2023, take advantage of 30 days of free support when you join a health challenge (hosted online by some of the most experienced doTERRA Wellness Advocates).

When you join a 30-day challenge, you’re joining a community. It’s like having a motivational group where everyone is in it together as you experience steady, sustainable transformation this year.

No matter your age or health status, your lifestyle choices can and will make a difference in your energy, weight, cognitive performance, mood, and more. The MetaPWR system is your team of simple products that support, enhance, and magnify—your natural boost of power as you strive for your Power to Be focus.

With a little bit of reflection and some planning you have the power to crush your goals for 2023.

If you are not already a doTERRA wholesale member, it's simple to get started! Explore doTERRA wholesale kits including the new MetaPWR Kit.

No minimum or monthly purchase requirements to maintain wholesale pricing. Get more info and shop wholesale oils here. Check out the Blissed Mama Shop Page.

Already a wholesale customer? Order your favorite wellness essentials on your next LRP and receive 10-30% back in free product points. Explore the benefits of the Loyalty Rewards Program here.

Kick off a brand new year with a diffuser recipe for each month!

I am providing you with a free eBook that contains diffuser recipes for every month of the year. Sign up to receive your free copy of Diffuser Blends for Every Month below.

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